
Showing posts from February, 2015

An English Word To Rhyme With Orange

I believe in having faith and hope even when staring into the eye of the most impossible of situations.   I refuse to allow myself to become jaded by a world lacking and hurting.   Sure, my realities have been harsh at times and I have moments that send me down a rabbit hole of cynicism, pain, hate, and fear.   It is in these moments I really do not love or even like myself.   And what is so incredibly deceptive about moments like these, is I almost believe it makes me more powerful, I almost believe it makes me stronger.  I am realizing throughout my life, true strength, true power, is remaining connected to my heart, having faith and love, and trusting the universe is creating something wonderful for me.   There are many who may see this as a silly Pollyanna dream world I live in and maybe it is but I continue to grow and accomplish things I once believed impossible.    I remember even as a young child believing the people who ran m...