
Showing posts from August, 2018

Beautiful Journey

A few days ago I joined a friend for a run at 5am.  It was darker than I imagined it would be and we were heading out to do 6 miles, my only goal, to keep up with him for as long as possible because he’s faster than I am and I knew running with him would make me stronger and faster.  The first few times I ran with him, I struggled just to keep him in my line of sight just to be able to find my way back to our starting point because I wasn’t as familiar with the loops he runs and I hadn’t done much running more than a mile in a very long time.  I kept up, matching stride for stride, allowing my mind to wander to the sky changing colors before my eyes, taking in the smells of summer.  I started to think of Aidan.   The truth is, I’d been thinking a lot about him the past few weeks, more than usual, having dreams of him being alive still, as a healthy 14 year old boy and I could feel the grief gripping onto me again.  I could feel myself doing what I alwa...