Running Again....And Miles To Go
I turned 44 this year. I have been running a lot again. It started with a goal earlier in the year to complete a 50K which I did primarily solo with my good friend running almost 5 miles with me, showing up at a moment at which I was seriously considering quitting. And s omehow in the process of working towards that goal, the joy of running miles found its way back into my soul and I now find myself outside again most mornings breathing, moving, just being alive in the quiet of the day’s dawn. It’s funny because so much has shifted and moved in my life since I “ended” the original sneakers n wine, yet I am somehow still finding myself doing the same, running miles, sipping wine at night. So much about just those two things have changed though too…. I’m pretty set primarily on white wines now and not every night and when I run, I don’t just run miles, I am trying to push myself. I find myself on more trails now as well. I’m not r...