A Mother's Day Gift

I think May might just be my favorite month of the year.  It is usually jammed solid with activities for the boys as we approach the end of another school year.  But our trees here flower in vibrant pinks, purples, and whites and it is truly spectacular to see the hot pink contrasted against a crystal blue sky.   I love the way Spring pushes through in May, escorting in warmer weather, brighter colors, and hope.  Hope.  Hope may be my second favorite word after serendipity.    

I got to thinking the other day about hope and faith and love.  We really are nothing without these three things and all three are available to each and every one of us.  My oldest son has only one more year before he will leave for college, starting his own life.  I’m not really sure where the time has gone but I've been thinking a lot about what I want to send him off in life with.  I don’t have the means to buy him all the things he will need, but I want to give him the gifts to persevere, to be resilient, to be honest, to be fulfilled in life wherever he ends up. 

What I want to say to my children.....

Tomorrow is Mother's Day.  What I really want is to know that I have instilled in you, boys, these gifts.

Hope, never ever EVER stop wishing on stars.  Dream a new dream every single day.  Make a new wish.  Be more today than you were yesterday. You will never be too old to make new wishes, set new goals,  or dream new dreams, you have an entire life time to dream, so do it every day.  Your dreams will change the world.

Faith… Believe… Believe with all your heart and mind in those wishes and dreams… the crazier they sound, the better. And don’t pay attention to what anyone else thinks – they cannot possibly know or understand your dreams as intimately as you do for they do not know your heart or your spirit or your soul.  You may even need to shush me up, now and then for even I do not know your heart as intimately as you.  When it looks like your dream isn't coming true, give it a little more faith, believe in it a little more and it will come.  Life won’t always go the way you think it will or the way you in your small human mind think it should, but it is ALWAYS working out exactly as it should whether you understand it or not and whether you control it or not and whether you like it or not. Suck it up and trust that the universe loves you and is taking care of you always and allow it to do its job.

Love…. Mother Theresa has a well-known passage called Do It Anyway and I like to think of love that way. Love is for you. It is YOUR gift remember that as you give it away  Love, love anyway.  Love what you do.  Love where you are.  Love who you’re with.  Love the moments in life you have been given while they are yours and don’t look back with regrets. Be thankful for all the moments, even the ones you dislike. Life is changing as it should, so love the changes as they come your way whether you like them or not, there is something good about it if you look.  Find the good, I promise it is there like a hidden treasure.  You may love someone who hurts you and doesn't show you love, love them anyway because remember, love is for you.  But above all, love yourself because you truly are a wonderful gift to the universe and you are exactly where, who, and how you were meant to be in this very moment. 

Be love. Be faith. Be hope.Change the world through your faith, hope, and love. Dream, wish, believe and then do it again and again. And if at any moment you ever doubt or forget that these three things were given to you as gifts the moment you took your very first breath, call me up, because I will remind you all the ways my dreams have come true through the gift of being your mother. 

And to my mother and all the mothers I've had the honor of crossing paths with in my life, thank you for the strength, hope, faith, and love you have taught and given to me all these years, inspiring me to always dream and never stop believing in or loving those dreams.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the beautiful, strong, and,  inspiring mothers changing the world one moment at a time.


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