Dear Reader.... A Letter To You
To My Readers, People, many of you whom read my posts, will often tell me what I’ve written is inspirational, but please know, while I appreciate that to the deepest part of my heart, I do not write to be inspirational. I write because the truth is I’m way too shy to say out loud to the world, “Wake up, shut up, stop bitching, look up, and look around! Life is awesome!” So I quietly and gently use my written words to do so,until just now.... Most of my life, I’ve been told, I’m a great writer. It’s never been something I have thought about much. I’ve never considered myself to have much skill. I never set out to be a good writer. It’s always been something I just do. Every single time I post a new post, I get nervous to share my thoughts, I can hear all the critics in my own mind and need to tell them to be quiet. In my mind when I click publish I always have this mental image of throwing a paper airplane off a c...