Falling Leaves Again....
I recently began running regularly again. By running, I mean those long silent runs with just me. I had forgotten the peace I find in the miles I run, the sweat equity of moving farther and farther through to wherever I am going. Recently when I run, I seldom know which way I am going to go until I am there. I like the idea of just going which ever way feels best in that moment on that day. On these runs, I'm not running for speed or time or distance. I'm running for peace of mind, for the centering of my soul. I was thinking as I was running yesterday of this post I had written about a year ago. How could I not seeing the spectacular and vibrant oranges and reds of the leaves against the cloudless blue sky? I've decided to repost it because as I re-read what I had written, I feel its significance remains true to today but the stories, the leaves are the stories and leaves from my past year which I must now leave behind. It's the growth, the evolution we all face as we continue our journeys in this life. Each year, the leaves that fall behind, new and different as we run on forward, leaving our pasts behind us because we will grow and next year we will have new stories that will become past. It's exciting really, to think of, to wonder what leaves will I run through next year and leave behind? What will remain and what will I let go of? Who will I become in this next year? And I will remember how lucky I am to exists in an environment that so beautifully illustrates the cycle of growth, of the journey, of moving on and letting go and having faith that all is working out in the most perfect way possible even when it does not always feel that way. The timing is always as perfect and beautiful as our majestic New England Autumns and I am so grateful for that.
Unplugged (originally posted 11/02/14)
The past few years, October has proved to be a challenging time for me in every area of my life. By the end of October I usually feel as though I have completely come undone. And I always find this so unfortunate as I love the spectacular New England colors this month the most. A few days ago, I had an unexpected lull in my late afternoon with the boys and saw my opportunity. This is also one of my favorite times of year to run. I love the scenery and the temperature is just about perfect, not too hot, not too cold. So I quickly rushed, knowing the lull was temporary, and put on my shorts and tied up my sneakers.
It was a blustery day, and the wind blew first pushing me forward than blowing against me. Leaves were falling and flying through the air, bits of color dotting the gray sky. I was still unsure tonight, long run or short run? I decided to just see where this run took me. As I put one foot in front of the other I could feel all that October angst shaking out. The leaves continued to twist and glide through the air past me, sometimes scratching the sides of my legs and face and the gusts of wind picking up down towards the beach began to feel cold against my skin.
As a runner who never listens to music when running, I am forced to distract myself with more independent and creative thoughts. I began to think of the falling and flying leaves as the stories of my past. All the stories, good and bad, the stories of joy and pain, blessings and loss. And I kept running through them, allowing them to fall behind me and not turning back to see what became of them. In a way it was like letting them go with strength, without ever holding on to them, running faster and with longer strides as all those stories became my history.
I want to do this in my life. Let the wind blow my past behind me and keep moving forward without needing to see where those stories of my past fall. I want to learn how not to need a reason to settle things in my heart. I want to accept that the chances are the reason is far beyond my understanding anyway and is as useless as the seasoned leaves blowing past me. Such a passive acceptance requires more strength than I am able to understand but I want to keep moving toward this anyway, growing stronger with each stride and breath.
Beautifully written big sister 🍂