
Showing posts from November, 2014


Happy Thanksgiving.    This morning I ran another one of my favorite road races, a five mile Turkey Trot.   It’s a nice little race I run every year because I always have so much fun.    As I ran today I thought of all the things I am so grateful for.   I am truly fortunate to have a very long list. Today is also an anniversary of the end of a very dark part of my life.   Four years ago today, I knew I couldn’t hide how dysfunctional our lives had become.   I had no choice but to scoop up my children and walk away from the wreckage and begin rebuilding one brick at a time.   And with the support of the many people whom bless my life, that is exactly what I have done.     The Holiday Season that is supposed to be filled with magic and joy and wonder has been a season of survival for me for many many years.   Thanksgiving marking the last day of breathing without hurting, feeling without choking back my tear...

Fine Wine

Over the weekend I turned 36.   My children quickly reminded me I’m getting close to 40.   I think the thing is with getting into the late 30s and approaching 40 is I have clear memories of being a teenager and thinking it was old. There is something about getting older that feels urgent. I also had very definite visions and ideas of what I imagined my life would look like at this point.   Even five years ago, heck three years ago, I thought my life would be so different from what it is.   Thank God, I was wrong because it is so much better than what I imagined for myself.    On my birthday, I celebrated with a race in town.   It was perfect, three of my favorite things, running, pizza, and beer, thrown into one event on my birthday!   I have run this race just about every year since my divorce and it’s a nice mostly flat course with a few short hills.   The day was perfect and unlike many of my other races, I knew many of the people...


The past few years, October has proved to be a challenging time for me in every area of my life.   By the end of October I usually feel as though I have completely come undone.   And I always find this so unfortunate as I love the spectacular New England colors this month the most.   A few days ago, I had an unexpected lull in my late afternoon with the boys and saw my opportunity.   This is also one of my favorite times of year to run.   I love the scenery and the temperature is just about perfect, not too hot, not too cold. So I quickly rushed, knowing the lull was temporary, and put on my shorts and tied up my sneakers. It was a blustery day, and the wind blew first pushing me forward than blowing against me.   Leaves were falling and flying through the air, bits of color dotting the gray sky.   I was still unsure tonight, long run or short run?   I decided to just see where this run took me.   As I put one foot in front of the ...